Maria Morales, vs. Montebello Unified School District, Permissibly Self-insured And Administered By York Risk Services Group, Inc.,

In this case, the Montebello Unified School District, permissibly self-insured and administered by York Risk Services Group, Inc., was sued by Maria Morales for workers’ compensation. The Appeals Board found that Morales sustained an industrial injury to her cervical spine, lumbar spine, right hip, bilateral knees, and psyche while employed by the school district. The Board also found that Monrovia Memorial Hospital was entitled to nothing further than the $45,825.62 already paid by the school district on its lien, and ordered that the remaining balance on the lien be disallowed. The Board affirmed the decision after reconsideration, finding that the fee must be reasonable and that the lien claimant had not provided adequate evidence