Henry P. Wveigel Jr., vs. County Of Santa Barbara; County Of Santa Barbara Risk Management,
(GRO 0033312) is a case in which the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board denied the defendant’s petition for reconsideration of the April 10, 2009 Findings and Award, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge found that the applicant, while employed as a deputy sheriff, sustained industrial injury to his low back, psyche, pulmonary embolism, and gastrointestinal system, and was entitled to 75% permanent disability and need for future medical treatment. The defendant sought reconsideration of the WCJ’s denial of its claim for credit for overpayment of temporary disability indemnity, but the WCAB denied the petition, citing Labor Code section 4909, which allows for discretionary allowance of a credit. The WCAB also corrected a clerical error in