City and County of San Francisco Susan Taylor WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIASUSAN TAYLOR,Applicant,vs.CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO,DefendantsCase No. ADJ6994308OPINION AND ORDERDENYING PETITION FORRECONSIDERATION AND CORRECTINGCLERICAL ERROR Defendant seeks reconsideration of the May 28, 2010 Findings of Fact and Award, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that applicant, while employed as a nurse on May 22, 2008, sustained industrial injury to her nght thumb and bilateral wrists, causing temporary total disability from “February 22, 2009,to the present and continuing, with the temporary disability indemnity rate to be adjusted by the parties, with WCAB jurisdiction reserved. The WCJ deferred all other issues. Defendant contends the WCJ erred in awarding temporary disability indemnity for the period following applicant’s ieft wrist surgery, arguing that the WCJ should have allowed defendant to question applicant regarding her post-retirement income because that testimony would be relevant to her willingness to work, and that the WCJ should have allowed réévaluation by the panel qualified medical evaluator (PQME) regarding whether the need for surgery to applicant’s left wrist was industrially caused. We have considered defendant’s Petition for Reconsideration and applicant’s Answer, and we have reviewed the record in this matter. We have not received a Report and Recommendationon Petition for Reconsideration from the WCJ. 1The WCJ appears to have made a clerical error in the date. Applicant’s left wrist surgery occurred on February 22, 2010, and this surgery is the basis for the claimed period of temporary disability. , For the reasons discussed below, we will deny defendant’s petition for reconsideration and correct the clerical error in the temporary disability date.BACKGROUND Applicant sustained an admitted injury to her right thumb o
Susan Taylor vs. City And County Of San Francisco
The City and County of San Francisco appealed a decision by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board that found that Susan Taylor, a nurse, sustained an industrial injury to her right thumb and bilateral wrists, causing temporary total disability from February 22, 2009 to the present and continuing. The Board denied the appeal and corrected a clerical error in the temporary disability date.
- Filed On:
- Court: California, San Francisco
- Case No. ADJ6994308
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