Rosa Rodriguez vs. St. John’s Health Center And Sedgwick Claims Management Services,

ST. JOHN’S HEALTH CENTER and SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, ROSA RODRIGUEZ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIA ROSA RODRIGUEZ, Applicant,vs.ST. JOHN’S HEALTH CENTER andSEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ2650141 (LAO 0867928) ADJ2082469 (LAO 0867937)OPINION AND ORDERS DISMISSING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION, GRANTING REMOVAL AND DECISION AFTER REMOVAL            Defendant alternativ.ely seeks reconsideration or removal of the case to the Appeals Board following the June 11, 2009 “Order Vacating Submission as to Undetermined Issues; Fourth Order to Develop the Record; Order Setting Case for Status Conference on August 3, 2009 at 1:30 p.m.; Showing of Good Cause” of the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) who vacated the earlier submission of the case and ordered the parties, inter alia, to “make a good faith effort to agree on an AME [Agreed Medical Examiner] in psychiatry or psychology to assist in resolving the applicant’s claim of psychiatric and/or anxiety disorder injury,” and if they did not so select he would select one of three physicians identified in the order in his discretion. The WCJ further ordered the parties to “obtain a report from an agreed upon vocational evaluator which shall describe the applicant’s former job duties, addressing in detail any aspects of her job which require F exposure to ‘Buckeye Workout’ or other potentially caustic chemicals,” and if they did not so select he would select such an evaluator. The WCJ further ordered that the report by the vocational evaluator be forwarded to “the competing internal medicine experts” in the case, with a request that they address whether the “AMA guides adequately address the applicant’s factors of disability,” and if not, what the appropriate assessment of those factors should be “in light of the guidelines and standards enunciated in the [Appeals] Board en banc decision in Almarez v. Environmental , Recovery Service, 74 CCC 20

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