MV Transportation, Inc.; American Home Assurance, adjusted by Broadspire Ronald Williams WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIARONALD WILLIAMS, Applicant,vs.MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.; AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE, adjusted byBROADSPIRE, Defendant(s).Case No. ADJ1901810 (SAC 0362345),ADJ381755 (SAC 0362346)OPINION AND ORDER DISMISSING APPLICANT’S PETITION FORRECONSIDERATION; AND DENYING DEFENDANT’S PETITION FORRECONSIDERATION (ADJ381755 (SAC 0362346)) Applicant Ronald Williams (applicant) and defendant American Home Assurance, adjusted by Broadspire (defendant) both seek reconsideration of the Findings and Awards that issued by a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) in these cases on November 25, 2009.1 The decision that issued in ADJ1901810 (SAC 0362345) found that applicant, while employed by defendant on August 2, 2005 as a bus technician, sustained an industrial injury to his low back which caused a need for further medical treatment, but did not result in any permanent disability. The decision in ADJ381755 (SAC 0362346) found that applicant, while employed by defendant on June 14, 2005, as a bus technician sustained an industrial injury to his right upper extremity in the form of complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS) and to his neck and upper back in the form of myofascial pain syndrome, secondary to CPRS. Applicant was also found to have permanent disability of 75% with entitlement to further medical treatment to cure or relieve the effects of the industrial injury. Applicant contends, in substance, that the WCJ erred in failing to make findings regarding his entitlement to a 15% increase in the permanent disability indemnity rate pursuant to Labor 1 Applicant seeks reconsideration of both decision, but defendant seeks reconsideration only in ADJ381755 (SAC 0352346). , Code section 4658(d) as well as a potential future earning capacity increase under the decision in Ogilvie.2 Defendant contends, in subst
Ronald Williams vs. Mv Transportation, Inc.; American Home Assurance, Adjusted By Broadspire
(SAC 0362345 and 0362346) is a case in which Ronald Williams, an employee of MV Transportation, Inc. and American Home Assurance, adjusted by Broadspire, sought reconsideration of two Findings and Awards issued by a workers' compensation administrative law judge. The decision in ADJ1901810 (SAC 0362345) found that Williams sustained an industrial injury to his low back which caused a need for further medical treatment, but did not result in any permanent disability. The decision in ADJ381755 (SAC 0362346) found that Williams sustained an industrial injury to his right upper extremity in the form of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and to his neck
- Filed On:
- Court: California, Sacramento
- Case No. ADJ1901810
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