Roberto Hernandez vs. Prg Parking Management Llc Chubb Services

(LAO 0886432)ADJ3237633 (LAO 0886435)ADJ2742182 (LAO 0886079)ADJJ 950432 (LAO 0888080)ADJ9347288Roberto Hernandez filed a workers' compensation claim against PRG Parking Management LLC and Chubb Services for injuries sustained while employed as a shuttle driver. The parties reached a Compromise & Release agreement settling all claims in the amount of $105,000.00, less $ 21,751.45 for permanent disability advances through January 23, 2014, according to proof, and $ 15,750.00 in attorney's fees. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board denied the Petition for Recons

PRG PARKING MANAGEMENT LLC CHUBB SERVICES ROBERTO HERNANDEZ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAROBERTO HERNANDEZ, Applicant,vs.PRG PARKING MANAGEMENT, LLC;CHUBB SERVICES, Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ29091l0 (LAO 0886432)ADJ3237633 (LAO 0886435)ADJ2742182 (LAO 0886079)ADJJ 950432 (LAO 0888080)ADJ9347288ORDER DENYINGPETITION FORRECONSIDERATION            We have considered the allegations of the Petition for Reconsideration and the contents of the report of the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) with respect thereto. Based on our review of the record, and for the reasons stated in said report which we adopt and incorporate, we will deny reconsideration.            In denying reconsideration based on the WCJ’ s Report, we also received and considered applicant’s answer.            We further note that WCAB Rule 10607 provides, in relevant part,”[ a] defendant that has paid benefits shall have a current computer printout of benefits paid available for inspection at every mandatory settlement conference.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 8, § 10607.)            Defendant’s mistake in this case was not mutual, it was unilateral./ / // / // / // / // / // / // / / ,             For the foregoing reasons,            IT IS ORDERED that said Petition for Reconsideration be, and it hereby is, DENIED.WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD    _____________________________________________RONNIE G. CAPLANE        I CONCUR,        _____________________________________________MARGUERITE SWEENEY         _____________________________________________DEIDRA E. LOWE        DATED AND FILED AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA                JUL 14 2014    SERVICE MADE ON THE ABOVE DATE ON THE PERSONS LISTED BELOW AT THEIR ADDRESSES SHOWN ON THE CURRENT OFFICIAL ADDRESS RECORD.ROBERTO HERNANDEZSOLOV AND TEITELL, A P.C.BREDFELDT, ODUKOYA & SUAREZ (2)abs , STATE OF CALIFORNIADivision of Workers’ CompensationWorkers’ Compensation Appeals Board   CASE NUMBERS:(1) ADJ2742182(

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