Ricardo Castaneda Calderon, vs. Knight Builders; State Compensation Insurance Fund,

In this case, Ricardo Castaneda Calderon filed two applications for adjudication for injuries sustained while employed by Knight Builders. The first application was accepted, and the second was not. California Imaging Solutions (CIS) filed a lien for photocopying services provided to Calderon, but the workers' compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that CIS did not meet its burden of showing that it performed its services at the request of Calderon's counsel, that the charges were valid medical legal charges, and that Calderon sustained an injury arising out of employment in one of the two cases. The WCJ accordingly ordered the lien be disallowed in its entirety. The WCJ's decision was overturned on reconsideration,

Knight Builders; State Compensation Insurance Fund, Ricardo Castaneda Calderon, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIARICARDO CASTANEDA CALDERON,Applicant,vs.KNIGHT BUILDERS; STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND,Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ8911665ADJ8911648(Anaheim District Office)OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            Lien Claimant California Imaging Solutions (“CIS”) seeks reconsideration of the January 25, 2017 Joint Findings & Order (“F&O”), wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that CIS did not meet its burden of showing that it performed its services at the request of applicant’s counsel, that the charges were valid medical legal charges, and that applicant sustained an injury arising out of employment in one of the two cases. The WCJ accordingly ordered the lien be disallowed in its entirety.            Lien claimant contends the WC]J erred in disallowing the lien because the evidence showed that: (1) applicant was represented by the attorney who requested the records; and (2) the records were utilized to prove or disprove a contested issue. Lien claimant further argues that the WCJ acted in excess of her powers by ruling based on issues which had not been raised by defendant.            The WCJ filed a Report and Recommendation on Petition for Reconsideration (Report) recommending that lien claimant’s petition be denied. We did not receive an Answer. For the reasons discussed below, we will grant reconsideration, rescind the Findings and Order, and return this matter to the trial level for further proceedings and a new decision.            On May 14, 2013, applicant filed two applications for adjudication for injuries sustained while employed by the defendant as a carpenter. The first application, in case number ADJ8911648, for a , hernia, was accepted. The second claim, in case number ADJ8911665, for a cumulative trauma injury to multiple body parts s

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