LOS ANGELES COLLETE OF CHIROPRACTIC; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE, administered by ESIS, PAUL LIGAMMARI, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAPAUL LIGAMMARI, Applicant,vs.LOS ANGELES COLLETE OF CHIROPRACTIC; ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE, administered by ESIS, Defendant(s).Case No. ADJ246218 (ANA 0286638)ADJ1311306 (ANA 0355854) OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION AND DECISION AFTERRECONSIDERATION Applicant, in pro per, seeks reconsideration of the July 14, 2009 Findings and Order issued by the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) wherein the WCJ found, based on prior stipulations, that applicant while employed as an office manager on February 9, 1992, sustained industrial injury to his “back, psyche, headaches, neck and both shoulders.” The WCJ further found that applicant’s actual earnings at the time of injury were $693.00 per week, that the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) does not have jurisdiction to determine if applicant is entitled to additional vocational rehabilitation maintenance allowance (VRMA) payable at the temporary disability rate retroactive to April 21, 2001 or to adjudicate fraud under Insurance Code section 1871.4, that the issue of applicant’s entitlement to interest pursuant to Labor Code section 5800 from the VRMA awarded pursuant to the Determination of the Rehabilitation Unit dated August 21, 2009 and the issue of applicant’s entitlement to penalties pursuant to his Petition for Penalties dated July 29, 2002 are moot, and that applicant is not entitled to penalties pursuant to Labor Code section 5814. Previously, applicant’s claim was settled by an August 13, 2002 Stipulated Award providing for 81% permanent disability and further medical treatment. Applicant contends that the WCJ’s decision is not supported by substantial evidence and , inconsistent with the Appeals Board’s June 5, 2009 Opinion and Order Granting Reconsideration and Decision After Reconsideration. Applicant fur
Paul Ligammari, vs. Los Angeles Collete Of Chiropractic; Ace American Insurance, Administered By Esis,
This case is about Paul Ligammari, who was employed as an office manager on February 9, 1992 and sustained industrial injury to his back, psyche, headaches, neck and both shoulders. He sought reconsideration of the July 14, 2009 Findings and Order issued by the workers' compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) wherein the WCJ found, based on prior stipulations, that applicant while employed as an office manager on February 9, 1992, sustained industrial injury to his "back, psyche, headaches, neck and both shoulders." The WCJ further found that applicant's actual earnings at the time of injury were $693.00 per week, that the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) does not have jurisdiction to determine if
- Filed On:
- Court: California, Santa Ana
- Case No. ADJ246218
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