Osiel Garza, vs. County Of Tulare; Adjusted By Corvel; California Highway Patrol; Adjusted By State Compensation Insurance Fund,

County Of Tulare; adjusted by Corvel; California Highway Patrol; adjusted by State Compensation Insurance Fund, Osiel Garza, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAOSIEL GARZA,Applicant,vs.COUNTY OF TULARE; adjusted by CORVEL; CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL; adjusted by STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND,Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ3SS4819 (GRO 0003162)ADJ1000021 (GRO 0002782)ADJ6914901(Fresno District Office)OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            Defendants, California Highway Patrol (CHP), legally uninsured, and adjusted by State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF), and County of Tulare (Tulare), permissibly self-insured, and adjusted by Corvel, seek reconsideration of the Joint Findings of Fact, Award, and Orders, issued February 7, 2017, in which a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found both defendants unreasonably delayed or denied medical treatment to applicant, Osiel Garza, for which sanctions of $2,500.00 were imposed. The WCJ further found both defendants were responsible, jointly and severally, to pay applicant’s medical treatment and· self-procured costs and expenses through December 31, 2016, less 15% payable to applicant’s attorney. Both defendants were also found jointly liable to pay applicant’s attorney an additional fee of $8,960.00, pursuant to Labor Code section 5814.5, for his efforts to enforce applicant’s two separate stipulated awards of lifetime medical treatment. With regard to both defendants, applicant was awarded 25% penalties on medical benefits that remain unpaid as of December 31, 2016, plus interest. The WCJ found both defendants forfeited their right to medical control as a result of their actions and ordered Dr. Regan to be applicant’s primary treating physician for all injuries. Finally, County of Tulare was ordered to pay $616.00 in retraining expenses and provide applicant with a $6,000.00 Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit voucher.       

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