KARL STORZ IMAGING INC UNITED STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Administered by CRUM & FORSTER OLIVIA MOLINA WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAOLIVIA MOLINA, Applicant,vs.KARL STORZ IMAGING INC.; UNITEDSTATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,Administered by CRUM & FORSTER, Defendants.Case No. ADJ9108418(Goleta District Office)OPINION AND ORDERGRANTING PETITION FORREMOVAL AND DECISIONAFTER REMOVAL Defendant has filed a timely, verified Petition for Removal, requesting that the Appeals Board rescind the Order dated June 23, 2014, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) continued this matter to trial and closed discovery. Defendant contends that it is entitled to additional discovery. Applicant has filed an Answer. Applicant, while employed as a water tester from May 20,2008, through May 20, 2013, claims to have sustained an industrial injury to multiple body parts. The employer has denied the injury. Applicant filed her Application for Adjudication of Claim on September 23, 2013. Defense counsel entered an appearance on January 14, 2014. Applicant’s deposition was scheduled for March 20, 2014, but it could not go forward because an interpreter did not appear. It was rescheduled to May 15, 2014 but it could not go forward because defense counsel was ill. The deposition was finally completed on June 20, 2014. Meanwhile, applicant filed a Declaration of Readiness to Proceed on May 20, 2014. Defendant filed a timely objection (see Court Administrator Rule 10251 (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 8, § 10251)). On the same date, applicant submitted a request to the Medical Unit for a panel of qualified medical evaluators (QMEs) in the specialty of chiropractic pursuant to Labor Code section 4060.1 1 Unless otherwise specified, all statutory references are to the Labor Code. , The case was set for Mandatory Settlement Conference on June 23, 2014. The parties filed a Pretrial Conference Statement. Applicant propose
Olivia Molina vs. Karl Storz Imaging Inc United State Fire Insurance Company Administered By Crum & Forster
In this case, Olivia Molina, an employee of Karl Storz Imaging Inc., filed an application for adjudication of a claim for an industrial injury to multiple body parts. The employer denied the injury. The case was set for a mandatory settlement conference on June 23, 2014, and was continued to trial. The defendant then filed a petition for removal, requesting additional discovery. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board granted the petition for removal and redesignated the hearing scheduled for July 29, 2014, as a priority conference. The case was returned to the trial level for further proceedings and decisions by the WCJ.
- Filed On:
- Court: California, San Francisco
- Case No. ADJ9108418
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