Paramount Pictures Melvin Isaac WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAMELVIN ISAAC, Applicant, vs.PARAMOUNT PICTURES, Defendant(s). Case Nos. ADJ2244538 (LAO 0883304) ADJ1504218 (LAO 0883305ADJ2608273 (LAO 0886572)DECISION AFTER REMOVAL; ORDER SETTING ASIDE WCJ’s MARCH 28, 2011 ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE AND RELEASE, AND ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE AND RELEASE WITH ADDENDA We earlier removed this case to the Appeals Board on our own motion in order to notice our intention to approve the Compromise And Release with the addenda as earlier presented to the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) in the form attached as Exhibit A to our June 10, 2011 “Order Granting Removal, Order Setting Aside March 28, 2011 Order Approving Compromise And Release, And Notice Of Intention To Approve Compromise And Release With Addenda” (NIT) for the reasons stated in the NIT, which is incorporated by this reference.1 As part of the NIT, the parties were allowed 20 days to submit written objection showing good cause why the compromise and release should not be approved with the addenda included on the form presented to the WCJ and as attached as Exhibit A to the NIT. Twenty days have passed since service of the NIT on the parties and no objection to the NIT has been received. For that reason, and for the reasons expressed in the NIT, we issue an order setting aside the WCJ’s March 28, 2011 Order Approving Compromise And Release and enter a new Order approving the parties’ compromise and release with addenda in the form attached to the NIT as Exhibit A as our Decision After Removal. 1 Although the NIT caption referred to an “Order Setting Aside March 28, 2011 Order Approving Compromise And Release,” such an order was not included in the NIT. However, an order setting aside the WCJ’s March 28, 2011 Order Approving Compromise And Release is made as part of this Decision After Removal. , For the foregoing reasons,
Melvin Isaac vs. Paramount Pictures
In this case, the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board removed the case to itself and issued an order setting aside the WCJ's March 28, 2011 Order Approving Compromise and Release and entered a new Order approving the parties' Compromise and Release with addenda. The parties were allowed 20 days to submit written objection showing good cause why the compromise and release should not be approved with the addenda included on the form presented to the WCJ. No objections were received, so the Appeals Board approved the Compromise and Release with addenda and returned the cases to the trial level for further proceedings.
- Filed On:
- Court: California, Los Angeles
- Case No. ADJ2244538
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