COUNTY OF SONOMA, Presumably Self-Insured, Administered by BRAGG AND ASSOCIATES, LISSA PORTER (PAIZ), WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIALISSA PORTER (PAIZ), Applicant,vs.COUNTY OF SONOMA, Presumably Self- Insured, Administered by BRAGG AND ASSOCIATES, Defendant(s).Case No. ADJ3380228 (SRO 0133900)OPINION AND AWARDOF ADDITIONALATTORNEY’S FEES(LABOR CODE §§5801) On December 22, 2008, the Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division Two, filed an Order in County of Sonoma, P.S.I. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd. (Porter) A122827. The Court denied defendant’s petition for writ of review, found that there was no reasonable basis for the petition, granted applicant’s request for attorney fees, and remanded the matter for a supplemental award of a reasonable attorney pursuant to Labor Code section 5801 and costs. On February 9, 2009, defendant filed a stipulation signed by the parties that applicant’s attorney accepts $3250.00 in full satisfaction of his claims for fees and costs. After further review of the appellate file in this matter, we find the stipulation to be reasonable and we approve it./////////////// , For the foregoing reasons, IT IS ORDERED, as the decision after remittitur of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, that, defendant County of Sonoma pay Mark Weinberger, Esq., $3250.00, in addition to the amount of compensation otherwise recoverable, in full satisfaction of his claims for fees and costs in connection with defendant’s petition for writ of review. WORKERS’COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD _______________________________ ALFONSO J. MORESII CONCUR,_______________________________ FRANK M. BRASS_______________________________ RONNIE G. CAPLANEDATED AND FILED IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIAMAR 09 2009SERVICE MADE BY MAIL ON ABOVE DATE ON THE PERSONS LISTED BELOW AT THEIR ADDRESSES AS SHOWN ON THE CURRENT OFFICIAL ADDRESS RECORD:HANNA, BROPHY, e
Lissa Porter (paiz), vs. County Of Sonoma, Presumably Self-insured, Administered By Bragg And Associates,
This case involves a dispute between Lissa Porter (PAIZ) and the County of Sonoma, Presumably Self-Insured, Administered by Bragg and Associates. The Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division Two, denied the defendant's petition for writ of review and granted the applicant's request for attorney fees. The parties then stipulated that the applicant's attorney would accept $3250.00 in full satisfaction of his claims for fees and costs. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board approved the stipulation and ordered the defendant to pay the attorney $3250.00 in addition to the amount of compensation otherwise recoverable.
- Filed On:
- Court: California, Santa Rosa
- Case No. ADJ3380228
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