Linda Fontenot vs. Barrett Business Services Inc., Permissibly Self-insured, Adjusted By Pinnacle Risk Management Services

Barrett Business Services Inc., Permissibly Self-Insured, Adjusted By Pinnacle Risk Management Services Linda Fontenot WORKERS-COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIALINDA FONTENOT, Applicant,BARRETT BUSINESS SERVICES INC., Permissibly Self-Insured, Adjusted by PINNACLE RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES, Defendants.Case No. WCK0068998OPINION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            We previously granted reconsideration in this ease to obtain and review a report and recommendation from the workers* compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) whose sanction orders of December 19. 2006 are challenged. Chamber Medical Collections. Inc. (CMC) requests reconsideration of the sanction orders imposed against it to pay $2.500.00 to Dennis Hannigan. Secretary and Deputy Commissioner of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, for forwarding to the general fund, plus pay an additional S3.625.00 to defendant’s attorney, for failure of CMC to appear before the WCJ at a hearing held on March 29. 2006. At all times pertinent, CMC represented lien claimant Electronic Waveform Lab. Inc. (Electronic Waveform) in proceedings before the WCJ.            We have received the WCJ’s report and recommendation. This is our decision after reconsideration.1            Judith Chambers (Chambers) of CMC alleges in the petition that she was sick on the day of 1 After granting reconsideration. this mailer had to be re-assigned lo a new Appeals Board panelist since prior panelist. Commissioner Janice J. Murray, w as no longer silting as a Commissioner. , the March 29, 2006 hearing, that she telephoned both defense counsel and the WCAB the day before and on the day of the nearing in question, and stated that both she and Valerie Hernandez (Hernandez) of CMC could not appear because they were sick (telephone billings are attached to the petition and offered as proof of the calls). Chambers also attached as Exhibit No. 5 a copy of a note dated December 6. 2006 from Martha Dalia Strauser. M.D. upon

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