Lidia vs.

is a case in which Lidia Rodriguez, the applicant, is appealing for workers' compensation from Mary Finch and Carol Lemon, as well as Specialty Risk La Habra. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board denied the Petition for Reconsideration, citing the reasons stated in the report of the workers' compensation administrative law judge. The report stated that the applicant would be adequately compensated for all periods of temporary disability by the payment of $25,495.56, exclusive of penalties.

Lidia WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA LIDIA RODRIGUEZ,Applicant,vs. MARY FINCH & CAROL LEMON;SPECIALTY RISK LA HABRA,Defendant(s). Case No. ADJ1321387 (LBO 0369630) ORDER DENYING RECONSIDERATION            We have considered lhe allegations of the Petition for Reconsideration and the contents of the report of the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) with respect thereto. Based on our review of the record, and for the reasons stated in said report which wc adopt and incorporate, we will deny reconsideration. (See Hawkins v. Amberwood Products (2007) 72 Cal. Comp. Cases 807 (Appeals Bd. en banc).) , For the foregoing reasons,IT IS ORDERED that said Petition for Reconsideration be, and it hereby is, DENIED.WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD________________________________________JAMES C. CUNEOI CONCUR,________________________________________ALFONSO J. MORESI________________________________________FRANK M. BRASSDATED AND FILED AT SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIAAUG 25 2010SERVICE MADE ON THE ABOVE DATE ON THE PERSONS LISTED BELOW AT THEIR ADDRESSES SHOWN ON THE CURRENT OFFICIAL ADDRESS RECORD.LA W OFFICES OF DANIEL P. GOGGINSLAW OFFICES OF DENNIS R. FUSILIDIA RODRIGUEZ ebc , STATE OFCALIFORNADivision of Workers’ CompensationWorkers’ Compensation Appeals BoardCASE NUMBER: ADJ1321387LONG BEACH DISTRICT OFFICELIDIA RODRIGUEZ -VS.- MARY FINCH & CAROLLEMON; ALLSTATEINSURANCE COMPANY;SPECIALTY RISK LAHABRA;WORKERS’ COMPENSATIONADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE: Charks RingwaltDATE: 08/12/2010REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGEON PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATIONINTRODUCTIONInjured worker: Lidia RodriguezAge: 54Occupation: caregiverEmployer: MARY FINCH; CAROLE LIMONEInsurer: ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANYAdjusting agency: SPECIALTY RISK SERVICES;Date of injury: February 25, 2005Defendant has filed a timely Petition for Reconsideration from a finding of temporary disability that:”3. Applicant will be adequately compensated for all peri

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