Hazel Jackson, vs. Lodi Unified School District; Keenan Associates,

. In this case, Hazel Jackson sought reconsideration of a decision denying her claims for self-procured medical treatment costs, including prescriptive medication, medical mileage and housekeeping expenses. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board denied her petition for reconsideration, finding that the WCJ had properly considered all the evidence and evaluated her demand for the costs of self-procured treatment, before concluding that her claims were not supported.

LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT; KEENAN ASSOCIATES, HAZEL JACKSON, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAHAZEL JACKSON, Applicant,vs.LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT; KEENAN ASSOCIATES, Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ4153698 (STK 0100615)ADJ2433460 (STK 0063469)ADJ3077647 (STK 0063468)ADJ3424369 (STK 0071227)ADJ2716935 (STK 0081540)ADJ3623293 (STK 0065552)OPINION AND ORDER DENYING RECONSIDERATION            Applicant, representing herself, seeks reconsideration of the Findings and Order issued by a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) on August 31, 2009, wherein the WCJ denied her claims for self-procured medical treatment costs, including prescriptive medication, medical mileage and housekeeping expenses. Previously, applicant filed seven claims for industrial injury, and in 1996 she obtained two stipulated awards finding permanent partial disability. In STK 71227, it was found that on June 7, 1988, applicant sustained industrial injury to her left shoulder, neck, and low back, causing 111/2% permanent disability, and a need for further medical treatment. In STK 100615, it was found applicant sustained injury to her low back, and received a 311⁄4% permanent disability award including future medical care. In STK 63468, although no permanent disability was found relative to applicant’s psyche, she was awarded future psychiatric medical care. Applicant’s claims now concern her award of further medical treatment, including prescriptive medications, medical mileage, and housecleaning.            Applicant contends that the WCJ erred in denying her claims for self-procured medical treatment costs, including prescriptive medication, medical mileage and housekeeping expenses, , arguing in essence that she is entitled to reimbursement for these expenses because defendant has not paid any of these costs from 1996 through March 2008.            We have considered the petition for reconsideration and we have reviewed the record in this matter. No answer wa

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