Gloria Alomia, vs. Aaren Scientific, Inc.; Cypress Insurance Company, Administered By Berkshire Hathaway,

This case involves a dispute between Aaren Scientific, Inc. and Cypress Insurance Company, administered by Berkshire Hathaway, and Gloria Alomia, the applicant. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board previously granted reconsideration of the January 6, 2017 Findings, Award and Order. The WCJ found that Alomia sustained an industrial injury to her cervical spine, lumbar spine, bilateral shoulders and bilateral wrists while employed from January 3, 2003 to October 1, 2009. The WCJ also found that lien claimant Monrovia Memorial Hospital was entitled to $52,000. The Appeals Board affirmed the WCJ's decision, finding that the fee must be reasonable and that the lien claimant has the affirmative burden of proving that

Aaren Scientific, Inc.; Cypress Insurance Company, administered by Berkshire Hathaway, Gloria Alomia, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAGLORIA ALOMIA,Applicant,vs.AAREN SCIENTIFIC, INC.; CYPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY,Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ6845555ADJ7392921ADJ8509830(Pomona District Office)OPINION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            The Appeals Board previously granted reconsideration of the January 6, 2017 Findings, Award and Order. This is our Decision After Reconsideration.             In the January 6, 2017 Findings, Award and Order, the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that applicant, while employed during the period January 3, 2003 through October 1, 2009, sustained an industrial injury to her cervical spine, lumbar spine, bilateral shoulders and bilateral wrists. The WCJ also found that lien claimant Monrovia Memorial Hospital (Monrovia) is entitled to $52,000.00 based on the range of evidence submitted by the parties.            Lien claimant Monrovia contends that the WCJ erred in finding that it is entitled to $52,000, arguing that it provided evidence to support further payment. Monrovia also contends that it is entitled to interest pursuant to Labor Code section 4603.2.            We have considered the Petition and we have reviewed the record in this matter. We have received a Report and Recommendation on Petition for Reconsideration (Report), from the WCJ recommending that the petition be denied. We have received an Answer from defendant. For the reasons set forth by the WCJ in her report, which we adopt and incorporate by reference with the exception of the discussion of interest at page 4, and for the reasons set forth below, we will affirm the WCJ’s decision. ,             Facility fees for services rendered by a long term care hospital as defined by title 42 of the Federal Code of Regulations are not subject to the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) and mu

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