WARNER BROTHERS STUDIO FACILITIES; WARNER BROTHERS WORKERS’ COMP., GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAGEORGE ZIMMERMAN, Applicant,vs.WARNER BROTHERS STUDIO FACILITIES; WARNER BROTHERS WORKERS’ COMP., Defendants.Case No. ADJ2925672 (MON 0319752)ADJ176214 (MON 0319757)OPINION AND ORDERS DENYING AND GRANTING RECONSIDERATION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION Applicant, George Zimmerman, has filed separate petitions for reconsideration from the Findings and Order, in ADJ2925672 (MON 0319752), and from the Amended Findings and Award, in ADJ176214 (MON 0319757), both of which were issued on February 17, 2009. In the Amended Findings and Award, the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that applicant, while employed as a studio driver during the period March 30, 2003 through March 30, 2004, sustained an industrial cumulative trauma injury to his back but not to his left knee, resulting in additional temporary disability from April 9, 2004 through August 27, 2005, permanent disability of 31.5%, after 50% apportionment to non-industrial factors. In the Findings and Order, the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found applicant did not sustain an industrial injury to his back or left knee on March 26, 2004. In his petition from the Amended Findings and Award, applicant seeks to correct what he characterizes as a clerical error in the WCJ’s finding that his permanent disability is 31.5%. Applicant contends that the WCJ’s rating instructions for the cumulative trauma injury to his back, based upon a limitation to light work with no prolonged standing or walking activities, supports a permanent disability rating of 61%, where the WCJ instructed the rater to apportion 95% of , applicant’s disability to his cumulative trauma injury. Applicant alternatively seeks reconsideration from the Amended Findings and Award, asserting that the finding of 31.5% permanent disability is not suppo
George Zimmerman, vs. Warner Brothers Studio Facilities; Warner Brothers Workers’ Comp.,
(MON 0319752 and 0319757) is a case in which George Zimmerman, an employee of Warner Brothers Studio Facilities, filed separate petitions for reconsideration from the Findings and Order and the Amended Findings and Award, both of which were issued on February 17, 2009. The Amended Findings and Award found that Zimmerman sustained an industrial cumulative trauma injury to his back but not to his left knee, resulting in additional temporary disability from April 9, 2004 through August 27, 2005, and permanent disability of 31.5%, after 50% apportionment to non-industrial factors. The Findings and Order found that Zimmerman did not sustain an industrial injury to his back or left knee on March 26, 2004. The Workers' Compensation
- Filed On:
- Court: California, San Francisco
- Case No. ADJ2925672
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