and ADJ4407215 (BAK 0151114) is a case in which Frank Torres, an applicant, sought reconsideration of a Findings and Award issued in ADJ4407215 on September 5, 2012, in which a workers' compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found applicant sustained 1% permanent disability as a result of an industrial cumulative trauma injury to his left knee over the period of his employment as a probation officer through November 26, 2004. The WCJ found applicant did not sustain injury to his right ankle and was not in need of further medical treatment to cure and relieve him from the effects of the injury to his left knee. The WCJ granted reconsideration to amend the Findings and Award to award further medical

COUNTY OF KERN; PROBATION DEPARTMENT, permissibly self-insured FRANK TORRES WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAFRANK TORRES, Applicant,vs.COUNTY OF KERN; PROBATION DEPARTMENT, permissibly self-insured, Defendants.Case Nos. ADJ621872 (BAK0145447)ADJ4407215 (BAK 0151114)OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION ANDDECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            Applicant, Frank Torres, seeks reconsideration of the Findings and Award, issued in ADJ4407215 on September 5, 2012, in which a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found applicant sustained 1% permanent disability as ,a result of an industrial cumulative trauma injury to his left knee over the period of his employment as a probation officer through November 26, 2004. The WCJ found applicant did not sustain injury to his right ankle and was not in need of further medical treatment to cure and relieve him from the effects of the injury to his left knee.            Applicant contests the WCJ’s finding that he is not in need of further medical treatment to treat the cumulative trauma to his left knee, arguing that there is substantial medical evidence in the opinion of the Agreed Medical Examiner (AME) to justify an award of medical treatment.            For the reasons set for below, we shall grant reconsideration to amend the Findings and Award to award further medical treatment in ADJ4407215.I.            Applicant sustained an industrial injury to his right knee on November 12, 1998, while employed as a probation officer by the County of Kern, permissibly self-insured. This claim, designated ADJ621872, was settled by Stipulated Award on August 1, 2006, and included an award of further medical treatment.            Applicant also claimed he sustained a cumulative trauma injury to his left knee and right ankle , through the period of his employment ending November 26, 2004, which defendant denied. This claim was heard on June 21,2012.            The WCJ found applicant did sustai

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