Faustino Sandoval vs. Nutrition Plus, Inc.; Preferred Employers Insurance Company

In this case, Nutrition Plus, Inc. and Preferred Employers Insurance Company sought reconsideration of a Stipulation and Award issued October 10, 2007. The parties had agreed to pay the applicant, Faustino Sandoval, retroactive temporary disability benefits from March 28, 2007 to the present and continuing at the rate of $240.00 per week. The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board granted the petition for reconsideration and affirmed the Stipulation and Award, except that it was amended to include a credit for any amounts paid in reimbursement to the Employment Development Department for benefits paid to the applicant.

Nutrition Plus, Inc.; Preferred Employers Insurance Company Faustino Sandoval WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAFAUSTINO SANDOVAL, Applicant,    vs.NUTRITION PLUS, INC.; PREFERRED EMPLOYERS INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant(s).Case No. VNO 541859OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION                Defendant seeks reconsideration of the Stipulation and Award issued October 10, 2007 wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) approved the stipulation between the parties in which defendant agreed to pay applicant retroactive temporary disability benefits from March 28, 2007 to the present and continuing at the rate of $240.00 per week. The parties also stipulated to the selection of three Agreed Medical Examiners in the specialty areas of orthopedics, internal medicine and psychiatry. Finally, applicant agreed to “transfer into MPN” and will be seen by an orthopedist, a psychiatrist and an internist.

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