Monterey Marriott, permissibly self-insured Edward Carter WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAEDWARD CARTER, Applicant,vs.MONTEREY MARRIOTT, permissibly self-insured, Defendant.Case No. ADJ6635167 ORDER CORRECTING CLERICAL ERROR On June 17, 2011, we issued an order entitled, “Order Denying Disqualification (Order),” in the above-entitled case. It has now come to our attention that there are several errors in the Order. First, the title of the Order is incorrect. The actual title was intended to be, “Order Denying Removal.” Next, on page 1 at line 14 we state that we “will deny disqualification.” We intended to say, “…we will deny removal.” Further, on page 2 at line 2 we ordered denial of the “Petition for Disqualification,” when we intended to order denial of the Petition for Removal. To avoid confusion and to facilitate a full and complete understanding of our decision, we will issue an order correcting these clerical errors. The Appeals Board retains jurisdiction indefinitely with respect to correcting clerical errors. (Toccalino v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd. (1982) 128 Cal.App.3d 543; 47 Cal.Comp.Cases 145.) Good cause appearing. IT IS ORDERED that the Order Denying Disqualification that issued herein on June 17, 2011, be, and it hereby is, CORRECTED as follows: On page 1 at line 6 the title is corrected to read, “ORDER DENYING REMOVAL.” Also, on page 1 at line 14 the word, “disqualification,” is deleted and the word, “removal,” is substituted in its place. , Finally, on page 2, line 2 we substitute the phrase, “Petition for Removal,” instead of, “Petition for Disqualification.”WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD________________________________________RONNIE G. CAPLANEI CONCUR,________________________________________DEIDRA E. LOWECONCURRING, BUT NOT SIGNING________________________________________ALFONSO J. MORESIDATED AND FILED AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA AUG 04 2011SERVI
Edward Carter vs. Monterey Marriott, Permissibly Self-insured
In the case of Edward Carter vs. Monterey Marriott, the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board issued an order correcting clerical errors in an Order Denying Removal that had been issued on June 17, 2011. The errors included the title of the Order, the wording on page 1 at line 14, and the wording on page 2 at line 2. The Appeals Board retained jurisdiction indefinitely with respect to correcting clerical errors and issued an order to correct the errors.
- Filed On:
- Court: California, San Francisco
- Case No. ADJ6635167
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