Edgar I. Hernandez vs. Winnie Quach, Dba As Licensed Merchandise Distributors, Willfully Uninsured; Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund,

In this case, Winnie Quach, dba as Licensed Merchandise Distributors, was found to be willfully uninsured. The Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund (UEBTF) filed Exhibits A through H, which included the Order Approving Compromise and Release and Award, issued February 4, 2009, with proof of service upon counsel of record for defendant, Winnie Quach and upon Winnie Quach. The documents were served upon Winnie Quach, her counsel of record, and the parties in this matter. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board admitted the documents as evidence and gave notice of intention to submit the case for decision on the record.

WINNIE QUACH, dba as LICENSED MERCHANDISE DISTRIBUTORS, willfully uninsured; UNINSURED EMPLOYERS BENEFITS TRUST FUND, EDGAR I. HERNANDEZ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAEDGAR I. HERNANDEZ, Applicant,vs.WINNIE QUACH, dba as LICENSED MERCHANDISE DISTRIBUTORS, willfully uninsured; UNINSURED EMPLOYERS BENEFITS TRUST FUND, Defendant(s).Case Nos. ADJ1418817 (VNO 0459514)ADJ3163324 (VNO 0459517)ORDER ADMITTING DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SUBMIT            Defendant, Winnie Quach, filed a Petition for Reconsideration on March 9, 2009. The Appeals Board granted defendant’s Petition for Reconsideration and ordered “that any party in possession of documentation of service of all documents issued by the Worker’s Compensation Appeals Board (Appeals Board), on defendant, shall file those documents . . .” by Order issued May 7, 2009. The Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund (UEBTF) timely filed Exhibits A through H, which included the Order Approving Compromise and Release and Award, issued February 4, 2009, with proof of service upon counsel of record for defendant, Winnie Quach and upon Winnie Quach (Exhibit H, page 2, Proof of Service). The documents filed by UEBTF in response to the Appeals Board’s Order were served upon Winnie Quach, her counsel of record, and the parties in this matter.            IT IS ORDERED that the following documents, served herewith, are admitted in evidence: EXHIBIT A Notice of Representation of Defendants; Labor Code Section 4906 Compliance Statement, dated September 24, 2002 ,  EXHIBIT B Notice of Hearing, dated October 8, 2007 EXHIBIT C Applicant counsel’s December 14, 2007 letter to counsel of record for Winnie Quach EXHIBIT D Findings and Award issued April 30, 2008 EXHIBIT E Applicant counsel’s May 10, 2008 letter to Winnie Quach’s counsel of record and Winnie Quach individually EXHIBIT F Compromise and Release, dated September 19, 2000 EXHIBIT G Notice of Intention to Approve Compromise and Relea

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