Victor Valley Community College District; PIPS Delia Melendez WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIA DELIA MELENDEZ, Applicant, vs. VICTOR VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT; PIPS, Defendants. Case No. ADJ6939644 / ADJ6937463 OPINION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION We previously granted reconsideration in order to allow us time to further study the factual and legal issues in this case. We now issue ourOpinion and Decision After Reconsideration. Applicant, in pro per, seeks reconsideration of two separate February 3, 2014 Findings and Orders issued by workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) in Case Nos. ADJ6939644 and ADJ6937463. In both decisions, the WCJ found that applicant did not sustain injury arising out of and occurring in the course of employment (AOE/COE) in the fonn of “headaches, ear pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness in limbs, crying, muscle tension, mouth blisters and constant worry” while employed on January 5, 2009. Applicant contends that the WCJ erred in failing to find that she suffered industrial injury. Defendant did not file an answer. The WCJ issued a Joint Report and Recommendation on Petition for Reconsideration (Report) recommendingthat we deny reconsideration. Based on our review of the record and for the reasons discussed by the WCJ in his Report and in his Joint Opinion on Decision, which we adopt and incorporate herein, and for the reasons discussed below, we will rescind the Findings and Order in Case No. ADJ6937463 to identify the alleged cumulative period and the injured body parts correctly and to find that applicant sustained industrial injury to her psyche while employed from January 5, 2009 through July 20, 2009. We will otherwise affirm the WCJ’s findings that applicant did not sustain injury AOE/COE to any other body part in either , case, that the claim to benefits as a result of the psychiatric injury
Delia Melendez vs. Victor Valley Community College District; Pips
is a case involving Delia Melendez and the Victor Valley Community College District. Melendez was seeking reconsideration of two separate February 3, 2014 Findings and Orders issued by workers' compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) in Case Nos. ADJ6939644 and ADJ6937463. The WCJ found that Melendez did not sustain injury arising out of and occurring in the course of employment (AOE/COE) in the form of "headaches, ear pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness in limbs, crying, muscle tension, mouth blisters and constant worry" while employed on January 5, 2009. The WCJ issued a Joint Report and Recommendation on Petition for Reconsideration recommending that the
- Filed On:
- Court: California, Riverside
- Case No. ADJ6939644
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