is a case involving Debra Crawford, an employee of Guidant Corporation, who sustained a cumulative industrial injury to her bilateral upper extremities and neck causing permanent total (100%) disability. The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board found that the date of injury pursuant to Labor Code section 5412 was December 9, 1996, and the one-year liability period for cumulative injuries codified in Labor Code section 5500.5 was the period between December 9, 1995 and December 9, 1996. Guidant was insured for workers' compensation liability by One Beacon Insurance Company until September 1, 1995, whereupon coverage was provided by Reliance Insurance Company. Reliance subsequently went into liquidation, and the California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA) became responsible for

GUIDANT CORPORATION; ONE BEACON INSURANCE COMPANY; CALIFORNIA INSURANCE GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION, For RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, in Liquidation DEBRA CRAWFORD WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIADEBRA CRAWFORD, Applicant,vs.GUIDANT CORPORATION; ONE BEACON INSURANCE COMPANY; CALIFORNIAINSURANCE GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION, For RELIANCE INSURANCECOMPANY, in Liquidation, Defendants.Case No. ADJ4306808 (AHM 0061728)OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING RECONSIDERATION ANDDECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION            Defendants Guidant Corporation (Guidant) and California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA) each seek reconsideration of a workers’ compensation administrative law judge’s (WCJ) Findings, Award and Orders of July 10, 2012, wherein it was found that while employed as a balloon technician/assembler, applicant sustained a cumulative industrial injury to her bilateral upper extremities and neck causing permanent total (100%) disability. The WCJ found that applicant’s date of injury pursuant to Labor Code section 5412 was December 9, 1996, and found that the one-year liability period for cumulative injuries codified in Labor Code section 5500.5 was the period between December 9, 1995 and December 9, 1996. Guidant was insured for workers’ compensation liability by One Beacon Insurance Company (One Beacon) until September 1, 1995, whereupon coverage was provided by Reliance Insurance Company (Reliance). Reliance subsequently went into liquidation, and CIGA became responsible for its unpaid California Claims, including the instant claim, subject to certain statutory limitations. Since the one-year liability period found by the WCJ fell solely within the Reliance/CIGA coverage period, the WCJ found CIGA solely liable for the benefits awarded to applicant. ,             Guidant and CIGA contend that the WCJ erred in finding that applicant’s date of injury pursuant to Labor Code section 5412 was December 9, 1996. Guidant and CIGA argue that the proper date of injury i

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