Dawayne Mogensen, vs. Santa Ynez River Water District; Acwa/joint Powers Insurance Authority,

SANTA YNEZ RIVER WATER DISTRICT; ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY, DAWAYNE MOGENSEN, WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIADAWAYNE MOGENSEN, Applicant,vs.SANTA YNEZ RIVER WATER DISTRICT;ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY, Defendant(s).Case Nos. ADJ1337418 (GOL 0091701)ADJ850408 (GOL 0091702)OPINION AND ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION            Applicant seeks reconsideration of the May 26, 2009 Finding of Fact, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that applicant is not entitled to reimbursement for an orthopedic bed pursuant to his award of future medical treatment. Applicant’s claim that he sustained industrial injury to his neck and back, while employed as an operation technician on August 8, 2001, and during the period 1991 to August 8, 2001, was resolved by the stipulated award of April 20, 2004, which included an award of future medical treatment.            Applicant contends the WCJ erred in denying reimbursement for the orthopedic bed, arguing that his entitlement to the bed is supported by the opinion of treating physician, Dr. Richard Kahmann, and that the opinion of the agreed medical evaluator (AME), Dr. Stuart Hutchinson, is not substantial evidence.            We have considered the Petition for Reconsideration and defendant’s Answer, and we have reviewed the record in this matter. The WCJ prepared a Report on Reconsideration, recommending that the petition be denied.            For the reasons discussed below, we will deny applicant’s petition for reconsideration. , BACKGROUND            Applicant sustained admitted injury to his back and neck. He received an award of medical treatment and has undergone fusion surgery for both his cervical and lumbar spine.            By letter, dated October 21, 2005, applicant requested reimbursement for out of pocket medical expenses, including a Select Comfort bed. He attached receipts. The purchase date for the bed is illegible, but defendan

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