Bartolo Terrones vs. Remedy Temp And Reliance national Indemnity, In Liquidation, Administered By Ciga; U.s. Tile And Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

In this case, Bartolo Terrones, the applicant, was injured while employed as a laborer on February 23, 2000. His general employer was Remedy Temp, a staffing agency, and his special employer was U.S. Tile, insured by Liberty Mutual. Remedy was insured by Reliance National Indemnity, Co., which became insolvent and of which the covered claims are now the responsibility of the California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA). Select Staffing, which identifies itself as a defendant in this matter, has filed a petition for removal, requesting that the Appeals Board rescind the Order dated June 16, 2010, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) ordered the depositions of Fred

Remedy Temp And Reliance National Indemnity, In Liquidation, Administered By Ciga; U.S. Tile And Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Bartolo Terrones WORKERS-COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIA4BARTOLO TERRONES, Applicant,vs.REMEDY TEMP and RELIANCE NATIONAL INDEMNITY, in liquidation, administered by CIGA; U.S. TILE and . LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. Case No. ADJ423557OPINION AND ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR REMOVAL            Select Staffing (Select), which identifies itself as a defendant in this matter, has filed a timely, unverified petition for removal, requesting that the Appeals Board rescind the Order dated June 16, 2010, wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) ordered the depositions of Fred Pachón and the person most knowledgeable pursuant to the Motion to Compel Attendance at a Deposition filed by defendant Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (Liberty Mutual) and ordered that Liberty Mutual is entitled to documents requested in its Notice to Produce, excluding the workers’ compensation insurance policies of Select.             Select contends that the depositions are not appropriate because Select is not a party to this action and the Appeals Board lacks jurisdiction to order the deposition of the Select witnesses because Select is not a party. Select also contends that Liberty is not entitled to the Purchase Agreement between defendant Remedy Temp and Select because it contains confidential financial information and is not relevant to the issues in this case. We have received an answer from Liberty Mutual.            Applicant, while employed as a laborer on February 23, 2000, sustained an industrial injury’ | to his back. His general employer was Remedy Temp, a staffing agency. His special employer was U. S. Tile, insured by Liberty Mutual. Remedy was insured by Reliance National Indemnity , Co., which became insolvent and of which the covered claims are now the responsibility of the California Insurance Gu

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