Angelita (angie) Fernandez vs. Oak Tree Racing Association, Los angeles Turf Club, Caddie Services, Incorporated, Ciga By Its Servicing Agent Cambridge Integrated Services For Legion Insurance, In Liquidation, Crawford & Company On Behalf Of Zurich Insurance

This case involves Angelita (Angie) Fernandez, who claimed to have sustained industrial injury to her shoulders and bilateral upper extremities while employed by Oak Tree Racing Association. The original Application for Adjudication of Claim filed by attorney Taslitz incorrectly named Risk Enterprise Management (REM) as a party defendant, who accepted the claim and provided benefits on behalf of Legion Insurance (now defunct and adjusted by California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA)). The second Application for Adjudication of Claim alleged cumulative trauma (CT) injury for the period October 16, 1999 to October 16, 2000. Fremont Indemnity (now defunct and adjusted by CIGA) had coverage from October 16, 1999 to June 30, 2000 and Zurich

Oak Tree Racing Association, Los Angeles Turf Club, Caddie Services, Incorporated, Ciga By Its Servicing Agent Cambridge Integrated Services For Legion Insurance, In Liquidation, Crawford & Company On Behalf Of Zurich Insurance Angelita (Angie) Fernandez WORKERS-COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAANGELITA (ANGIE) FERNANDEZ, Applicant,vs.OAK TREE RACING ASSOCIATION, LOS ANGELES TURF CLUB, CADDIE SERVICES, INCORPORATED, CIGA by its servicing agent CAMBRIDGE INTEGRATED SERVICES for LEGION INSURANCE, in liquidation, CRAWFORD & COMPANY on behalf of ZURICH INSURANCE, Defendant(s).Case No. ADJ937954OPINION AND ORDER DENYING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION            Defendam. Crawford & Company, third-party administrator for Zurich Insurance Company (“Zurich/Crawford”), seeks reconsideration of the Findings and Order of May 25. 2010, in which the workers’ compensation arbitrator (WCA) found, in relevant part, that applicant claimed to have sustained industriai injury to her shoulders and bilateral upper extremities while employed by Oak Tree Racing Association, that applicant’s original Application for Adjudication of Claim filed by attorney Taslitz incorrectly named as a party defendant Risk Enterprise Management (REM), who accepted applicant’s claim and “erroneously and inadvertently*’ provided benefits on behalf of Legion Insurance (now defunct and adjusted by California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA)). that applicant’s second Application for Adjudication of Claim alleged cumulative trauma (CT) injury’ for the period October 16, 1999 to October 16. 2000. that Fremont Indemnity (now defunct and adjusted by CIGA), had coverage from October 16. 1999 to June 30, 2000 and Zurich adjusted by Crawford & Company had coverage from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001, that Insurance Code section 1063.1 as well as California Ins. Guarantee , Assn. V. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd. (Weinman) (2005) 128 Cal.App.4th 307 (70 Cal.Comp.Cases 556] and California Ins. G

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