Alma Pelayo vs. Associated Lien Services Permissibly Self-insured

ADJ7550047 is a case in which Alma Pelayo, the applicant, sought reconsideration of a May 16, 2014 Findings and Order (F&O) from the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board. The F&O found that the defendant, Associated Lien Services, did not violate Labor Code section 132(a) and ordered that the applicant take nothing further. The applicant argued that the WCJ erred in finding that the defendant did not violate Labor Code section 132(a) and in failing to rule on the admissibility of Applicant's Exhibit 15. The WCJ recommended that the Petition for Reconsideration be granted solely for the purpose of admitting Applicant's Exhibit 15 and Defendant's Exhibits Al, A

ASSOCIATED LIEN SERVICES Permissibly Self-Insured ALMA PELAYO WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIAALMA PELAYO, Applicant,vs.ASSOCIATED LIEN SERVICES, PermissiblySelf-Insured, Defendants.Case No. ADJ7159838ADJ7550047(Van Nuys District Office)OPINION AND ORDERGRANTING RECONSIDERATIONAND DECISION AFTERRECONSIDERATION            Applicant seeks reconsideration of the May 16, 2014 Findings and Order (F&O), wherein the workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) found that defendant did not violate Labor Code section 132(a) and ordered that applicant take nothing further.            Applicant contends that the WCJ erred iri finding that defendant did not violate Labor Code section 132(a). Applicant also contends that the WCJ erred in failing to rule on the admissibility of Applicant’s Exhibit 15.            We have reviewed defendant’s Answer. The WCJ prepared a Report and Recommendation on Petition for Reconsideration (Report), recommending that the Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) “be granted solely for the purpose of admitting [Applicant’s Exhibit 15 and) Exhibits Al, A2 and A3.”            We have considered the Petition for Reconsideration, the Answer, and the contents of the Report, and we have reviewed the record in this matter. For the reasons set forth by the WCJ in her Report, which we hereby adopt and incorporate, we will grant reconsideration for the limited purpose of admitting Applicant’s Exhibit 15 and Defendant’s Exhibits Al, A2, and A3 into evidence. We will otherwise affirm the WCJ’s F&O./ / // / / ,             For the foregoing reasons,            IT IS ORDERED that applicant’s Petition for Reconsideration of the May 16, 2014 Findings and Order is GRANTED.            IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, as the Decision After Reconsideration of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, that the May 16, 2014 Findings and Order is AFFIRMED, except that it is AMENDED as follows:FINDINGS OF FACT    2. The March 6, 2009 Performance Revi

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