Vilma Ruiz vs. Margaret O’Leary; California Insurance Guarantee Association For Fremont Indemnity Company, In Liquidation; Republic Indemnity Company
Margaret O’Leary; California Insurance Guarantee Association for Fremont Indemnity Company, In Liquidation; Republic Indemnity Company Vilma Ruiz WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARDSTATE OF CALIFORNIACase Nos.ADJ329334 (OAK 0311178)ADJ2064025 (OAK 0318666) OPINION AND DECISIONAFTER RECONSIDERATIONVILMA RUIZ,Applicant,vs.MARGARET O’LEARY; CALIFORNIAINSURANCE GUARANTEE ASSOCIATIONfor FREMONT INDEMNITY COMPANY, InLiquidation; REPUBLIC INDEMNITYCOMPANY,Defendants. We earlier granted the petition of defendant Republic Indemnity Company (Republic) for reconsideration …